What is Phantom Fury?

Have you ever wondered “what IS Phantom Fury”? We’ve put together a little explainer video for you.

Phantom Fury – Dev Blog #6: “Designing the Minigun” by Gustaw Mackay

Hey there! I’m Gustaw Mackay, a 3D artist working on Phantom Fury. My focus on Phantom Fury is creating weapons and vehicles in the game, I’ve also had the chance to work on larger environmental elements and smaller props. In this dev blog, I’ll take you through the journey of creating the in-game Minigun model, including all the different design iterations it went through.

Phantom Fury – Dev Update 10.09.2023

It has been a bit over a week since Realms Deep ended, and we feel that now is the perfect time to thank you all for checking out the Phantom Fury demo!


Phantom Fury is gonna need a little more time in the oven.

However, if you saw Realms Deep, you know that a demo has just gone live.

And you can play it right now.

Phantom Fury Dev Blog #5 – City in a Garden

This week, Phantom Fury is at Gamescom. If you’re there, drop by to check out the public demo.

In the meantime, check out Dev Blog #5 – “City in a Garden” to learn a bit about one of the game’s most important areas.

Dev Blog #4 – Designing the Weapons ft. Nate

Hey everyone! This is Nate, I’m a game designer working at Phoenix Game Productions here in Osaka, Japan who has had the pleasure of working on Phantom Fury and I heard ya’ll like to shoot stuff. We see you; we hear you. Huddle up, let’s talk for a sec.

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